Tips on Subversion
Subversion is great software, essentially a major upgrade of CVS. Its branch support is stellar, for a few reasons:
- Visibility: Branches are physical copies, you can see all branches, stored by convention in the /branches folder. This is unlike CVS (or VSS) where branches are placed in the time dimension and are invisible, hidden "behind" the CVS HEAD revision.
- Efficiency: Branches are calculated as deltas and are not full physically copies, they are efficient and cheap to create.
- Global revisoning: the entire repository gets versioned on every change. As a result merging can be applied as the merging of two source trees; this is much easier to think about and execute than merging between two sets of files, as is the case with CVS.
Categories: subversion, software, cvs, visibility, efficiency, branches, repository, version, source, code Can't find what you're looking for? Try Google Search!
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