Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Put your idle computer to work for you

Using a simple program called RunSaver, automatically kick off tasks for your Windows computer to work on while you're away.

Why not Windows Task Scheduler?

Sure you can schedule tasks to run at specified times, but tasks set to run when the computer is idle:

  • Don't require you leave your PC on all night
  • Will never interrupt you in the middle of working on something else
  • Better fit folks with varying daily work schedules
  • Suit low priority processes that should happen whenever they can but never interrupt anything more important

What kind of work can your idle computer do?

Some examples of tasks your computer can complete while you're at lunch:

Or any combination of those. All you need to do is place all the commands into a single batch script (a file with the .bat extension) that can run whenever the screensaver kicks in. Here's how.

Set up RunSaver

  1. Download RunSaver for Windows. (Written using Lifehacker favorite AutoHotkey!) and save it to C:\Windows\System32\
  2. Create a batch file called idlework.bat, and enter the commands you want your computer to perform while you're away. For example, I sync my remind calendar files from my server to my local machine using rsync like this:
    rsync -az ginatrapani.org:/home/gina/docs/remind d:/data/gina/docs

    Your script can contain any number of working commands to get your job done.
  3. Once you've got a working script, add a line to the end of the file which kicks off the screensaver itself. I happen to like the classic starfield 'saver, so I add the line:
    ssstars.scr /s

    Find other screensavers in the c:\windows\system32\ folder also with the .scr file extension.
  4. Right-click on your Desktop and choose Properties. From the Screensaver tab, choose "RunSaver" from the list of possible 'savers. Then, click on the Settings button and choose your idlework.bat file, as shown. Hit OK, and Apply, and from here on in when you step away from your computer? Your idlework.bat script will kick off automatically.

Read more at this article 

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