Choosing an EJB Server
We have more than thirty vendors who provide EJB containers/servers. So when you have to choose a server you need to carefully look into the following issues and consider the trade-offs between them. The following features need to be looked into before you decide on EJB server
Load balancing
Instance pool and instance caching
Lazy loading
Pass by reference for EJB 1.1
Different locking strategies
Connection pooling
Controlling callback methods such as ejbLoad(),ejbStore() in CMP etc
If an EJB server provides all these features then how can you make sure about the performance of your server? The answer is to use the benchmarking specifications available such as TPC-W, @Bench etc and test the server. But the problem with these bench marking policies is that they test only for a specific feature of your server, so in order to test the overall performance of your server you can use ECperf specification released by SUN to test your server.
Ecperf benchmark specification is developed under java community process that is meant mainly for EJB server performance testing. It provides EJB code and driver to test an EJB server vigorously. For ECperf information, have a look at the following links
You will also find benchmark results of various servers at the following site.
In order to choose best EJB server, analyze features of different EJB servers, test using ECperf tool kit and see available benchmarks ( see above links for already available benchmarks) and finally decide suitable server for your application.
Tags: ejb server, ejb container, clustering, load balancing, connection pooling, performance
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