PDFizer - XHTML to PDF converter library
PDFizer is a simple XHTML to PDF converter; with this library, you can transform simple XHTML pages into nice and printable PDF files. This software was originally published in several development webzines by Jonathan de Halleux (one of which can be found at CodeProject). The original version used NTidy for HTML cleanup and parsing and did not support tables. We have applied bugfixes, changed the code to use the built in XML libraries for parsing, and implemented support for more XHTML elements; most notably tables. The sofware is stable and we are using it in production. However, there is much room for improvement. In the future we hope to implement more elements and possibly CSS support.
This library requires the iTextSharp library, which in turn requires the #ziplib library. Our binary releases include the version of these libraries against which the release was compiled.
Tags: PDFizer, library, .net library, xhtml to pdf, printable pdf, codproject, sourceforge, download
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