Sunday, August 20, 2006

Restore the lost Blogger Template code

Have you ever lost your Blogger template partly or fully due to some unforseen error?
        It happened to me once and half of my blog disappeared. For some reason only half the blog code was left due to some republishing error. So I had the main panel displaying, but only half the sidebar and footer was gone. Upon checking the template, that part had just disappeared and there was no chance that it would show on the blog.
        Save whatever customization was left…
    If you have a partially running template, save it in a text editor like Notepad. This will at least give you back all the customizations you made of whatever is left like altering text, css colors, padding, Adsense placement, feed buttons, search codes, antipixel buttons etc.
        This can also be done by viewing the source of the blog and saving it to Notepad. Now you can copy and add these previous customizations to your new code. Do all this preservation measures before changing and republishing the new template. Read more at this post

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