Friday, August 18, 2006

CSS3 preview

CSS3 is the new kid in the stylesheet family. It offers exciting new possibilities to create an impact with your designs, allows you to use more diverse style sheets for a variety of occasions and lots more. shares our experiences of CSS3, and want nothing more than to simply be the biggest online resource covering CSS3.
            At the moment there are three sections: a CSS3 Preview, which shows you individual CSS3 features that are implemented in browsers today, and how great they are. Next to that, we have the CSS3 weblog, where we have introductory articles and news concerning interesting CSS3 stuff as it comes along. The last section is the modules section, where we keep a list of the current modules and their status, and where we will add more and more compatibility tables.
        Finally, if you really want to know, Visit this link CSS3 Preview

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Essential Web Tools all in one place

Protolize is a place to share most commonly used and helpful tools out there that we like to use as a web designed + developer

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Comparison of Video Sharing Websites

I came across a post which shows a comparison of the Video sharing websites. It was a good comparison. View post

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CSS Optimization: Make Your Sites Load Faster for Free

While a lot of people are out to optimize their sites/blogs, most everyone seems to skip over CSS .There are actually quite a few websites that fit the bill, and some of them are easier to use, produce more friendly code, and others are a bit harder to use, but can produce amazing results.             CSS optimizers do a variety of voodoo magic to get the end result. This includes merging similar classes, removing useless properties, removing whitespace, and so forth. This can lead to code that is not very easily read by you or I, but for larger CSS files, it can condense the file size so much that it really makes a big difference in page loading times.
        Many broadband users might not think this matters much, as most websites seem to load fast for them, but if each site you went to loaded even 10% faster, think of all the time it could save you over the course of a week, a month or even a year. The bandwidth savings for the website operator can also be immense. I would recommend that you always keep a copy of your human readable CSS code so that if you ever need to make any changes it does not take you a long time to figure out what you need to change, and then you can re-optimize it.
        In this article, the author had tested the CSS Optimizer, Icey’s CSS Compressor, Flumpcakes CSS Optimiser, and CleanCSS to see which one could compress some default CSS files from popular websites the best. View this article to see the results of the popular websites.

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

How to Get Rid of Hiccups

The cause and function of hiccups has baffled medical practitioners since the time of Hippocrates. Although no one has figured out the exact science behind these "abrupt diaphragmatic contractions," we have come up with a few home remedies that might be able to help.
        1. Swallow 1 tsp. white table sugar, dry. A study found that this stopped hiccups immediately in 19 out of 20 people. Repeat up to three more times at 2-minute intervals if necessary.
        2. Gulp down a glass of water if the sugar doesn't work.
        3. Eat a piece of dry bread slowly.
        4. Breathe in and out of a paper bag. Do not use a plastic bag under any circumstances, and don't do this longer than 1 minute.
        5. Gargle with water (see 'How to Gargle').
        6. Repeat the above steps until your hiccups stop.
                Tip : Keep in mind that hiccups can be caused by eating too fast and subsequently swallowing a lot of air or drinking too much alcohol. Read more

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Javascript Triggers

The front end of a website consists of three layers. XHTML forms the structural layer, which contains structural, semantic markup and the content of the site. To this layer you can add a presentation layer (CSS) and a behavior layer (JavaScript) to make your website more beautiful and user-friendly. These three layers should remain strictly separate. For instance, it should be possible to rewrite the entire presentation layer without touching either the structural or the behavior layer.
        Despite this strict separation, the presentation and behavior layers need instructions from the structural layer. They must know where to add that touch of style, when to initiate that smooth bit of behavior. They need triggers.
        CSS triggers are well known. The class and id attributes allow you to fully control the presentation of your websites. Although it is possible to work without these triggers, by putting the instructions in inline style attributes, this method of coding is deprecated. If you want to redefine your site’s presentation while using them you’re forced to change the XHTML structural layer, too; their presence violates the separation of presentation and structure. Read more on Javascript Triggers at this post

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CSS Frames

One of the arguments for using frames has always been that they allow you to keep parts of the layout on-screen at all times. This can be emulated with CSS, as described here. This results in much better usability than normal frames, but there are still some potential problems you need to be aware of. For a longer discussion on frames and usability, read my article Who framed the web: Frames and usability.
        The document consists of three main blocks: headerwrap, middlewrap and footerwrap. headerwrap and footerwrap have fixed positions; headerwrap at the top and footerwrap at the bottom of the viewport. middlewrap has padding-top and padding-bottom to match the heights of headerwrap and footerwrap.To center the content horizontally, the contents of each of the main blocks has its left and right margins set to auto. View source on this page to see the HTML and CSS.  Read more on Using CSS Frames

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How to Be Charming

We can’t articulate it, but we know a charming person when we see one.  It’s that person at the party who seems to know everybody.  He works the crowd with such ease and has a positive aura about him, and everybody just seems drawn to him like steel to a magnet.  He leaves people thinking “What a great guy!” and seems to have it all together.
        I would be a fool if I wrote an article on how to be charming if I wasn’t charming to begin with. I don’t mean to say I’m the most charming man on the face of the earth, but I do have my moments.  I’ve reflected back on those moments, studied other charismatic people, read books on the subject, and asked other charismatic people to share their insights on this elusive trait.  You know what I learned?  Charisma is not genetic.  It can be learned. Read more

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Yahoo! Web Services

Yahoo! Web Services are for developers, businesses and researchers interested in using Yahoo! products, services, data and content as a resource in their applications. Right now, this program is free, subject to no SLA or uptime agreement, and subject to daily limits on query volume. However, we recognize that developers integrating our services into business applications might want a stronger relationship with us. By registering your application with us, you can ensure that your application follows our Usage Policy, provide us a contact email in case there is a problem with your application, request additional queries and receive updates concerning the status of our Web Services and APIs.

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

You Are What You Search

AOL researchers recently published the search logs of about 650,000 members—a total of 36,389,629 individual searches. AOL's search nerds intended the files to be an academic resource but didn't consider that users might be peeved to see their private queries become a research tool. Last weekend, the Internet service provider tried to pull back the data, but by that point it had leaked all over the Web. If you've ever wanted to see what other people type into search boxes, now's your chance.

The search records don't include users' names, but each search is tagged with a number that's tied to a specific AOL account. The New York Times quickly sussed out that AOL Searcher No. 4417749 was 62-year-old Thelma Arnold. Indeed, Arnold has a "dog who urinate on everything," just as she'd typed into the search box. Valleywag has become one of many clearinghouses for funny, bizarre, and painful user profiles. The searches of AOL user No. 672368, for example, morphed over several weeks from "you're pregnant he doesn't want the baby" to "foods to eat when pregnant" to "abortion clinics charlotte nc" to "can christians be forgiven for abortion."

Find more at this post

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20 Amazing Facts About Voting in the USA

1.  80% of all votes in America are counted by only two companies:  Diebold and ES&S.

2.  There is no federal agency with regulatory authority or oversight of the U.S. voting machine industry.

3.  The vice-president of Diebold and the president of ES&S are brothers.

4.  The chairman and CEO of Diebold is a major Bush campaign organizer and donor who wrote in 2003 that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year."

Know more

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Ten ways to search with Technorati

Ten ways to search with Technorati are
    *  Search Technorati from your site
    *  Technorati Mobile
    *  What's Popular
    *  Browser plug-ins
    *  Bookmarklets
    *  Technorati Cosmos
    *  Via TalkDigger, Rollyo, or Yahoo
    *  Search for individual profiles
    * inurl:profile
    *  Toolbars
    Know more at this post

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Project Able: a complete Java web stack

Project Able is a full Java-based web development stack designed to make web development painless. In a sense, it is an attempt to bring together quality opensource tools in one cohesive stack, similar to what Rails has done for Ruby, while also encouraging common practices I've used in software engineering for a long time. Read more
        It is very similar to projects such as Trails, Grails, and AppFuse. However, there are a few key differences:

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Comparison of Different Source Control Applications

Everyone agrees that source control is fundamental to the practice of modern software development. However, there are dozens of source control options. What are the most commonly used source control systems? VSoft, the makers of FinalBuilder, just published the results of their annual customer survey. One of the questions is which version control systems do you currently use, or plan to use, in the next 12 months?

The top 9 responses are reprinted here. I'm disheartened to see that Visual SourceSafe is still at the top of the list. If you are serious about the practice of software development, you should avoid SourceSafe. Read more at this post

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Blend Google Adsense Search Results on Your Site

If you earn revenue from your site by using Google Adsense for Search, you will like the new ability to blend the search results within your site. Previously the Google Adsense for search results opened on a full page which had no relation to your site hosting or website design, which did not blend well with your site.
        You could customize the link and text colors, add your site logo, colour up the lines and decide if the search results open on the same page or on a new page. Now when you customize your Adsense search code, you find a new option to click the radio button marked Open results within my own site.
        By adding an additional set of search results code to your page, you can display Google search results framed within your own site. This new option will help you blend AdSense for search into your site even further. Try it out. Read more

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Monday, August 14, 2006

If copyright won’t work, try copyleft

If copyright does not work, try copyleft! This is the theme of a meeting here this month on which the corporate world, social activists and government officials would wrack their brains.

Copyleft is a play on the word copyright and is the practice of using copyright law to remove restrictions on the distribution of copies and modified versions of a work for others. It requires the same freedom to be preserved in modified versions.

Titled ‘Owning the Future: Ideas and their role in the digital age’, this symposium is being jointly organised by the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, and open source software corporation Red Hat, on Aug 24-25.

This ‘invitee only’ event is expected to bring in some 150 technologists, policymakers, legal experts and leaders from the free software and open source communities ‘to examine whether our current policies on copyrights, patents and the like promote or hinder innovation’.

The meet ‘will seek to examine the notion of intellectual property, the emerging philosophy of ‘copyleft’, and ‘free and open source software'’, said Red Hat India’s Mumbai-based head for open source affairs, Venkatesh Hariharan.

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Growing surreptitiously via cyberspace and the Internet, copyleft has been applied to fields like software, documents, music and art. In some cases, the application has been immensely successful, as in the case of computing.

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31 Different Ways To Lace Shoes

Visit this link for the 31 different ways to lace shoes

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Web Analytics: An Introduction

Everybody has different needs in this world. Unfortunately, things can become very confusing when companies try making all kinds of products to suit all kinds of different customers. All of a sudden you end up with too many iterations of one thing and absolutely no clue how they all fit together or whose needs they are supposed to fulfill. To begin with, we are categorizing analytics into four main groups. These groups are based upon what the analytics actually track, in other words; who would actually use them. Our categories are RSS feeds, Blogs, Basic Websites, and Business websites.

RSS Feeds

Depending on the purpose of the RSS feeds and the number of the RSS feeds you have, the tracking solution for it will be different. Some sites may need detailed data on their feeds while others may just need basic stats. Basic stats would include things like the number of subscribers you have and growth trends, while more detailed stats would tell you things like the click-through rate of subscribers and more detail on trends in general. Sites that have dozens of RSS feeds may need a more advanced analytic, especially if they are relying heavily upon large numbers of subscriptions. They might even what to know exactly which RSS feeds are getting more subscribers. Sites that only have a few RSS feeds may only need to get the gist of what is going on.

Blog Statistics

We are now seeing a ton of different types of blogs out there. There are corporate/company blogs, personal blogs, and even some hybrid blogs that became popular and are now responsible for heavy traffic. Each of these may wish to know different things about their blogs because they all have different reasons for blogging. The solutions vary greatly here and can track things like visitors, comments, posts read, and where visitors are coming from. Some advanced features include trends and growth over time.

Web Statistics

A lot of personal websites aren't necessarily in need of advanced analytics. In fact, some of those analytics can offer so much information that they quickly become confusing and totally useless to the casual website (without even taking price into account). Some of the basic needs that these websites might have include number of site visitors, how they got to the site, and where the visitors are geographically located. These fit the bill for the more basic website analytics (website statistics) and we'll go into more detail about who they are and what they do in the rest of this series.

Web Analytics

Analytics solutions that are used to track sites that directly or indirectly make money are the most robust. They can provide detailed visitor information, conversion, advertisements, and a lot more including a breakdown of all this by product. This is the most complicated of the four groups and we will spend a lot of time breaking this down into its component parts and how they can be leveraged to get more out of business websites.

To know more in detail, Visit this link

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Online Drawing Lessons

You can find a good Online Drawing lessons Tutorial Website. Please find it at Online Drawing Lessons

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ShowMeWhere - Google maps

Easily Create and Share Google Maps
        Show Me Where is a point-and-click interface to creating customized Google Maps. Want to place a marker on a map? Just click there. No more geocoding is necessary in order to add points to your maps. Instead, just navigate there using the Google Maps interface you are accustomed to. Visit this site.

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RMX Direct: alternative ad networks battle for your blog

New York based RightMedia has launched a beta version of a new advertising system that lets website publishers participate in multiple ad networks and automatically display ads from whichever network will pay the highest price per impression for their ad space in real time bidding. The service, called RMX Direct, also has a filtering system to prevent malware distribution through ads and enforces publisher criteria.

RMX Direct will officially launch in September but is opening up beta accounts now. RightMedia has offered a more complicated enterprise version of the system since April 2005. While the enterprise system has more than 50 participating ad networks to chose from, RMX Direct is starting out with only 8 but will increase in time. Find more at RMX Direct

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Websites that changed the world

Amazon used to be a large river in South America - but that was before the world wide web. This month the web is 15 years old and in that short time it has revolutionised the way we live, from shopping to booking flights, writing blogs to listening to music. Here, the Observer's Net specialist charts the web's remarkable early life and we tell the story of the 15 most influential websites to date. You can find the article at Websites that changed the world

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50 Coolest Websites

  I came across a website post which shows the top 50 coolest websites. They came to this by evaluating hundreds of candidates, some suggested by readers, colleagues and friends, others discovered during countless hours of surfing. Many of this year's choices are shining examples of Web 2.0: next-generation sites offering dynamic new ways to inform and entertain, sites with cutting-edge tools to create, consume, share or discuss all manners of media, from blog posts to video clips. Find out the Top 50 Coolest websites

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The Evolution of Desktops

I recently came across a post in some of the blog which shows screenshots of the evolution of the Desktops from 1984 Macintosh systems to 2006 MS Vista. You can find at Evolution of Desktops

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Programmer Meet Designer site was created to unite programmers and designers because rarely is a person good at both programming and designing. PMD helps programmers and designers partner up to make websites and web applications that look and work great. It also lets entrepreneurs and writers find people to work with. Read the FAQ to learn what this service is about.

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