Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Using section targeting, display revelant blogger ads in your blog

 Google adsense folks have unveiled another useful feature for Adsense publishers - Section Targeting.The concept is simple but the advantages and possibilities are endless. Consider a possible scenario that could confuse Adsense Bot and serve irrelevant ads on your page. You have just written an article in your blog on "Web Hosting". Great, but on the same page you have others sections like "Previous Posts", "User Comments", "RSS Web Feeds" and your "Profile".

Your personal profile may say that you are a die-hard soccer fan, user comments might contain spam and links to Viagra stores, the Previous Posts may contain totally unrelated topics like "US Outsources Teachers" or "Google releases Dance 2005 pictures".

Your article on "Web Hosting" may occupy just 50% of your precious blog Real estate while the rest is grabbed by everything else.

What do you do then. Here comes Google Adsense Section Targeting to your rescue. Just tweak your HTML a bit and force Googlebot to focus only on specific content.

Some things to note before implementing Google Tags:

1. Don't cheat Google why targetting wrong content - Google is smart enough.
2. Though a bit risky but always include user comments in the Tags.
3. Don't worry if your Google earning drop the first day, experiment for some time.
4. Always include the Title of post within the tags.

Here's how you do it. Just open your Page HTML in notepad, point your cursor to the beginning of your article and insert the following line:

<!-- google_ad_section_start-->

Then point your cursor where your story end and inser the following HTML line

<!-- google_ad_section_end-->

Save your HTML and publish it to the web. You are done. It is so simple.

So it is just like saying - "Hey Google, please don't read my entire page for determing the Ads that you want to serve. I want you to focus just here".

You can use section targeting to make suggestions about as many sections of a page as you like. In Google jargon, you are making a suggestion to Google Adsense Bot. Google suggests that you need to include ’significant content’ in the tags or you’ll end up with irrelevant ads or PSAs.

Here's a sample illustration of implementing Section Targeting in Blogger Templates. (Use at your own risk)

<div class="post">
<h3 class="post-title"><$BlogItemTitle$></h3>
<div class="post-body">
<!-- google_ad_section_start-->
<!-- google_ad_section_end-->
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
google_ad_client = "pub-2252540629893746";
google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280;
google_alternate_color = "FFFFFF";
google_alternate_ad_url = "http://rcm.amazon....
google_ad_format = "336x280_as";
<script type="text/javascript"

Save to <a href="http://del.icio.us/login/?url=<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>&title=<$BlogItemTitle$>">Del.icio.us</a>
<a href="http://www.furl.net/storeIt.jsp?t=<$BlogItemTitle$>&u=<$BlogItemPermalinkURL$>" target="_blank">Furl It </a>

The content between the comment tags is emphasized and the rest may be ignored while displaying Google Text Ads or . Remember to use this feature carefully. Double check that you have closed the Google Start tag. Incase you need further help on implementing section targeting in your template, feel free to contact me. Good luck

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Can't find what you're looking for? Try Google Search!
Web eshwar123.blogspot.com

Easily remove Blogger Navbar using different techniques

Bloggers automatically inserts a little navigation toolbar (called Blogger Navbar) in all pages of blogspot blogs. This Blogger Navbar gets tucked into the top of the browser window and is supposed to add new (?) functionality to each blog. Blogger Navbar is 50 pixels high and spreads across the entire width of the browser window. Personally, I am not very excited about the blogger Navbar because:

1. There are two buttons on the navbar that point to the Blogger Homepage. Too much of self-promotion.
2. The NextBlog button takes visitors to another recently-updated randomly selected blog on blogspot. But what if clicking the NextBlog button takes my innocent readers to a blog with adult offensive content.
3. The Search Blog Form is not integrated with my Adsense for search account. I want visitors to use my custom Google site search form that is monitized by Google Adsense.
4. The existing Blogger Navbar colors do not gel with my custom blogger theme.
5. The BlogThis! pop-up link is already availble when I enable Blogger Backlinks.

For the above reasons, I have chosen to hide and the Blogger Navbar on my weblog using some simple CSS techniques.

Technique One: Insert (copy, paste) the following CSS code in your Blogger Template to disable the Blogger Navbar
<style type="text/css">
#b-navbar {
Technique Two: This is another simple way to remove the Blogger Navbar but it will not form valid HTML. Replace your &ltbody> tag with the following code and hide will hide the Blogger navbar.
Technique Three: Similar to technique two for hiding the blogger navbar but doesn't form valid HTML. Replace your &ltbody> tag with the following code and hide will hide the Blogger navbar.
I use the first technique for this weblog as it results in well-formed HTML. Remember GoogleBot hates pages that are not constructed with well-formed HTML. But hiding the blogger navbar gives rise to another problem. You might notice some empty space in your webpages between the top edge of the browser window and your blog content. We will again employ a simple CSS tweak to remove the gap at the top.
If this doesn't remove the gap created with Blogger Navbar, try the following CSS hack
position: relative;
top: -50px;
Is removing the Blogger Navbar legal ?

The Terms of Service for Blogspot.com do not mention anything about Blogger Navbar but it does state a word about the discontinued Blogger AdBar which was previously displayed on freely-hosted Blog*Spot blogs.
By creating your BlogSpot Site, you agree that Pyra has the right to run such advertisements and promotions. You also agree that you will not attempt to block or otherwise interfere with advertisements displayed on your BlogSpot site via JavaScript or any other means. Doing so is grounds for immediate termination of service. The manner, mode and extent of advertising by Pyra on your BlogSpot Site is subject to change.

Since it is not mentioned explicitly in the Terms of service, it remains doubtful if removing and hacking the Blogger navbar is any violation of the Blogger terms of service. Lets say we are not "removing the navbar" but only "hiding the navbar" or we could even re-position the navbar to the bottom of the blog. Get rid of the blogger nav bar.

Get more information

Can't find what you're looking for? Try Google Search!
Web eshwar123.blogspot.com

Monday, October 16, 2006

Get beautiful free blogger templates for your blog

There are lot of good folks who have developed some beautiful blogger templates and they are providing them for free. Just download the blogspot template, paste it over your default blogger template and click the republish button.

Here are some links and resource for free Blogspot Template Designs:

» Free Blogspot Templates - Isnaini, an Indonesia based blogger template designer, has a good collection of 3 column template designs.

» Blogger Templates by Aman - A Singapore based student has some creative blogspot template designs based on popular themese like Desperate Housewives, Tour De France, Harry Potter and Yoga.

» Blogger Templates - Excellent collection of two column blogspot templates. Recommended.

» Blogspot Templates - Contains both text only and graphical version of Blog templates. There are also instructions on how to use Blogger templates.

» Blogger Templates @ Gecko & Fly This site has collected popular blogspot template designs from other designers and put them in one central location.

» Blog Skins - A huge repository of user contributed template designs and blog skins for blogger, Movable Type, Xanga and Wordpress Blogs. Users can rate and comment on template designs.

Want to design your own blogspot template ? Jennifer Apple has some tips on creating your own blog template from scratch using Photoshop.

Get more information

Can't find what you're looking for? Try Google Search!
Web eshwar123.blogspot.com

Access firewall blocked sites using Offsurf

Can't surf your favorite sites such as mySpace at school? Employer blocked most wanted sites? Sad but true - they have full control over their firewall and can block anything.

But don't hang on - there's still a way to get around this! OffSurf is a FREE Firewall Bypass Service which lets you surf the web privately and securely. Just enter a URL (web site address, e.g. mySpace.com or google.com) in the box below and hit Navigate!

Safely bypass firewall restrictions at work, university, school: it doesn't only unblock, but also obscures and encrypts URLs being visited, and nobody will be able to track which web sites you are visiting.

Visit www.offsurf.com

Unblock mySpace, google and others, bypass firewall at work and school - OffSurf.com.

Can't find what you're looking for? Try Google Search!
Web eshwar123.blogspot.com